One of a firm’s main principles and goals in a free market economy is to increase the value of the company. Whether this goal can be achieved through diversification or focus of corporate activities has been discussed in the literature with mixed findings of both a diversification discount and premium. This thesis contributes to the literature with one of the most comprehensive studies about a diversification effect in financial institutions. The sample is not restricted to banks, but also includes insurance companies and other types of financial firms. In total, 30 816 rm-year observations across 98 countries for the period from 2001 to 2014 are involved. Moreover, this study analyses whether a potential diversification effect can be explained by corporate governance characteristics. As an important aspect of this thesis, the complete period of the study is split into the three sub-periods pre-crisis (2001-2006), crisis (2007-2008) and post-crisis (2009-2014) to analyse the evidence of a potential diversification effect in different time periods. In fact, the results show that the amplitude and significance of a diversification effect change over time. After controlling for endogeneity, this study finds a diversification premium for international financial institutions. When insurance companies are excluded from the sample and mainly banks remain, there is evidence of a diversification discount.
One of a firm’s main principles and goals in a free market economy is to increase the value of the company. Whether this goal can be achieved through diversification or focus of corporate activities has been discussed in the literature with mixed findings of both a diversification discount and premium. This thesis contributes to the literature with one of the most comprehensive studies about a diversification effect in financial institutions. The sample is not restricted to banks, but also inclu...