This thesis investigates the postnatal consequences of axon miswiring in the spinal motor system and mechanisms of plasticity that allow for their compensation. I showed that depletion of Npn1 from motor neurons causes severe postnatal defects due to loss of motor axons from the radial nerve. Defective Sema3A-Npn1 binding does not induce the same defects, suggesting that additional binding partners for Npn1 might allow for the compensation of these deficits. Furthermore, I introduced
Sema3F mutants as a new, non-injury based model to explore postnatal adaptive plasticity in the motor system. I found evidence for a critical period in which locomotor stimulation can induce neuroanatomical and behavioral adaptations.
This thesis investigates the postnatal consequences of axon miswiring in the spinal motor system and mechanisms of plasticity that allow for their compensation. I showed that depletion of Npn1 from motor neurons causes severe postnatal defects due to loss of motor axons from the radial nerve. Defective Sema3A-Npn1 binding does not induce the same defects, suggesting that additional binding partners for Npn1 might allow for the compensation of these deficits. Furthermore, I introduced
Sema3F muta...