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Atheroma Susceptible to Thrombosis Exhibit Impaired Endothelial Permeability In Vivo as Assessed by Nanoparticle-Based Fluorescence Molecular Imaging.

Document type:
Journal Article; Article
Stein-Merlob, Ashley F; Hara, Tetsuya; McCarthy, Jason R; Mauskapf, Adam; Hamilton, James A; Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Libby, Peter; Jaffer, Farouc A
The role of local alterations in endothelial functional integrity in atherosclerosis remains incompletely understood. This study used nanoparticle-enhanced optical molecular imaging to probe in vivo mechanisms involving impaired endothelial barrier function in experimental atherothrombosis.Atherosclerosis was induced in rabbits (n=31) using aortic balloon injury and high-cholesterol diet. Rabbits received ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (CLIO) derivatized with a near-infrared fluorophore (CyAm7) 24 hours before near-infrared fluorescence imaging. Rabbits were then either euthanized (n=9) or underwent a pharmacological triggering protocol to induce thrombosis (n=22). CLIO-CyAm7 nanoparticles accumulated in areas of atheroma (<0.05 versus reference areas). On near-infrared fluorescence microscopy, CLIO-CyAm7 primarily deposited in the superficial intima within plaque macrophages, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells. Nanoparticle-positive areas further exhibited impaired endothelial barrier function as illuminated by Evans blue leakage. Deeper nanoparticle deposition occurred in areas of plaque neovascularization. In rabbits subject to pharmacological triggering, plaques that thrombosed exhibited significantly higher CLIO-CyAm7 accumulation compared with nonthrombosed plaques (<0.05). In thrombosed plaques, nanoparticles accumulated preferentially at the plaque-thrombus interface. Intravascular 2-dimensional near-infrared fluorescence imaging detected nanoparticles in human coronary artery-sized atheroma in vivo (<0.05 versus reference segments).Plaques that exhibit impaired in vivo endothelial permeability in cell-rich areas are susceptible to subsequent thrombosis. Molecular imaging of nanoparticle deposition may help to identify biologically high-risk atheroma.
Journal title abbreviation:
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging
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TUM Institution:
Lehrstuhl für Biologische Bildgebung - Zusammenarbeit mit dem Helmholtz-Zentrum München (Prof. Ntziachristos)