This Master's thesis consists of a theory of stochastic volatility models, and an application in pricing timer options. A short introduction that motivates the study of stochastic volatility leads into Chapter 3, and the subject is then examined. There, three well-known models are treated. The Hull and White model, in which a risk-neutral pricing formula for a European call is given, serves as a general starting point. It is then specified to the case where variance is modeled as geometric Brownian motion, and an approximate pricing formula is given. The next model to be treated is the one by Stein and Stein, where volatility is given by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. A semi-closed pricing formula is derived, following Stein and Stein (1991).The last model is the popular Heston model, which models variance as a Feller process and includes non-zero correlation between variance and asset price. The semi-closed European call pricing formula according to Heston (1993) is derived. For a number of applications of stochastic volatility, time-change techniques are a valuable tool. They are treated in the form of the Dambis/Dubins-Schwarz theorem in Chapter 4, following Karatzas and Shreve (1991) and Revuz and Yor (1999). The final application is the pricing of timer options based on Bernard and Cui (2010). A timer option has the same payout function as a standard call. The innovation is that the option does not mature at a fixed date, but once a predetermined variance budget is hit by the realized variance of the asset. It is clear that such a derivative is only interesting in the context of stochastic volatilty.
This Master's thesis consists of a theory of stochastic volatility models, and an application in pricing timer options. A short introduction that motivates the study of stochastic volatility leads into Chapter 3, and the subject is then examined. There, three well-known models are treated. The Hull and White model, in which a risk-neutral pricing formula for a European call is given, serves as a general starting point. It is then specified to the case where variance is modeled as geometric Brown...