The benzoxazinoid DIMBOA is a natural defense compound of maize seedlings. A panel of inbred lines was screened for protective DIMBOA levels in older plants. The inbreds Mo17 and B73 were identified as lines with high respective low late DIMBOA levels; the IBM population that is based on these lines was used for QTL-mapping. A major QTL for high late DIMBOA locates close to the cluster of DIMBOA biosynthetic genes (Bx-genes). Fine mapping revealed a genetic element in Mo17, located 151 kb upstream of Bx1 that is required for high late Bx1 expression and is a hotspot of recombination.
The benzoxazinoid DIMBOA is a natural defense compound of maize seedlings. A panel of inbred lines was screened for protective DIMBOA levels in older plants. The inbreds Mo17 and B73 were identified as lines with high respective low late DIMBOA levels; the IBM population that is based on these lines was used for QTL-mapping. A major QTL for high late DIMBOA locates close to the cluster of DIMBOA biosynthetic genes (Bx-genes). Fine mapping revealed a genetic element in Mo17, located 151 kb upstr...