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Livingston, Jasmine E.;Thoni, Terese;Beck, Silke
Making warming worlds: Future making between climate politics and science – The case of the Structured Expert Dialogue

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Koch, Susanne (co-lecturer)
ForGEDI: Massive Open Online Course on gender equality and diversity issues in forest-related sectors

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Koch, Susanne
Grasping the scientific self of forest policy researchers: insights from a praxeological study
4th International Forest Policy Meeting

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Koch, Susanne; Tetley, Camilla
Too orthodox to be transformative? An examination of forest policy research and its role in tackling the deforestation crisis
EASST 2022 – The Politics of Technoscientific Futures

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Tetley, Camilla; Koch, Susanne
Experimenting with researcher positionality: A reflexive study of inequality in academic collaborations for sustainability.The case of forest governance
6th Nordic STS conference

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Koch, Susanne; Boshoff, Nelius; Costas, Rodrigo; Dudek, Jonathan; Strelnyk, Olena; Sunagawa, Shizuku; Tetley, Camilla; Uisso, Amani
Researching inequalities in global forest science: insights from a multi-method study
STI-ENID 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators

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Rogelja, T.;IUFRO Task Force on Gender Equality in Forestry (incl. Koch, S.)
Bridging the education–practice gap through the forthcoming Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Gender equality and diversity in forest-related sectors (forGEDi)
IUFRO EKE's 2023 Working Party Meeting and Conference

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Koch, Susanne
Wie lassen sich Ungleichheiten in der Waldforschung soziologisch untersuchen? Ein multi-methodischer Ansatz mit praxeologischer Perspektive
Soziologisches Waldsymposium

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Koch, Susanne
Science as a field of struggle: investigating inequalities and their epistemic effects in forest (policy) research
Symposium “Resilience in Food and Health Systems”

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Koch, Susanne; Tetley, Camilla
What ‘counts’ in international forest policy research? A study on valuation practice and habitus in an interdisciplinary social science field generating forest-related knowledge, data and evidence
International Forest Policy Meeting 5