Approaches to integrate CAD and CAE environments have often focused on particular issues of engi-neering, omitting the holistic aspect of this multi-levelled issue. Regarding all different dimensions of integration (product, people, tools, data), a detailed insight into the interrelations of these aspects is established in this paper through a process analysis of an exem-plary design process. A procedural model systematizing all given elements of the CAD-CAE-process is presented, classify-ing them and their relations according to a particular pattern.
Approaches to integrate CAD and CAE environments have often focused on particular issues of engi-neering, omitting the holistic aspect of this multi-levelled issue. Regarding all different dimensions of integration (product, people, tools, data), a detailed insight into the interrelations of these aspects is established in this paper through a process analysis of an exem-plary design process. A procedural model systematizing all given elements of the CAD-CAE-process is presented, classify-ing th...