The need for energy efficient high-rise buildings is becoming imperative. It is suggested that this building type, a key for the densification of cities, i.e. efficient use of resources, should go beyond energy saving and provide energy to the grid. However, achieving net-zero or plus-energy balance in high-rise buildings postulates meticulous adjustments on many levels to achieve a successful synergy and to overcome technical insufficiencies. This research focuses on optimising the incorporation of building integrated photovoltaic and vertical-axis wind turbines in building façade and the building body, respectively. The algorithms developed within the scope of this dissertation enable architects to make early decisions on the energy performance of high-rise buildings with regard to energy savings and energy generation strategies. The embedded simulation and evaluation programmes in the optimisation process consider the impact of the optimised criteria on user comfort and formal quality.
The need for energy efficient high-rise buildings is becoming imperative. It is suggested that this building type, a key for the densification of cities, i.e. efficient use of resources, should go beyond energy saving and provide energy to the grid. However, achieving net-zero or plus-energy balance in high-rise buildings postulates meticulous adjustments on many levels to achieve a successful synergy and to overcome technical insufficiencies. This research focuses on optimising the incorporatio...