Writing is designing, or at least writing is an excellent design training, because it forces the author give a clear structure to a story told or an image of a new garden or a landscape created in a creative design process. Every new image of a garden, every new landscape idea originates, as we all know, from first images in the head of the viewer or the designer, and they need to be translated in communicable signs. Unfortunately this is leading today to an almost intolerable flood of so-called reference images, while the linguistic capabilities of expression verifiably decline.
Writing is designing, or at least writing is an excellent design training, because it forces the author give a clear structure to a story told or an image of a new garden or a landscape created in a creative design process. Every new image of a garden, every new landscape idea originates, as we all know, from first images in the head of the viewer or the designer, and they need to be translated in communicable signs. Unfortunately this is leading today to an almost intolerable flood of so-called...