This bachelor thesis describes credit risk management using the example of the Merton, the KMV and the CreditMetrics models. First of all the tasks of credit risk management as well as the two different types of credit risk models, firm-value and reduced-form models, are explained. Then, the Merton model as prototype of all firm-value models is introduced. Afterwards an extension of this model, the KMV model, is illustrated. For the calculation of the Probability of Default in these two models the asset value and the asset volatility of the firm are necessary. Both values are not directly observable and hence an algorithm is introduced to derive these values from the more easily observable equity values. This algorithm is implemented in MATLAB and applied to five companies with different leverage ratios. The asset value and volatility as well as the Distance to Default and the Probability of Default are calculated for these firms. Finally, it is explained how the credit-migration model CreditMetrics can be embedded in a firm-value model.
This bachelor thesis describes credit risk management using the example of the Merton, the KMV and the CreditMetrics models. First of all the tasks of credit risk management as well as the two different types of credit risk models, firm-value and reduced-form models, are explained. Then, the Merton model as prototype of all firm-value models is introduced. Afterwards an extension of this model, the KMV model, is illustrated. For the calculation of the Probability of Default in these two models t...