The construction and real estate industry is responsible for approximately one third of Germany's greenhouse gas emissions. Through a systematic literature review, this thesis shows that current measures to reduce these emissions are insufficient to achieve cli-mate neutrality by 2045. An examination of the current responsibilities of construction project management reveals that sustainability plays a minor role in the scope of project management, focusing primarily on the application of subsidies and certifications. Never-theless, it is suggested that project management is an important lever for integrating sus-tainability into construction projects. Alternative management concepts such as agile and lean management are explored to show that they are a viable approach to managing sustainable construction projects in a more flexible and effective manner. In addition, a series of exploratory workshops will be conducted with project managers and sustainabil-ity experts to gain practical insights into their scope of work, their processes and the tools they use. Collaboratively the most important services of project management for the im-plementation of sustainability in construction projects as well as connected processes and tools were worked out. The main research question "What adjustments to the ser-vice profile and project management processes are necessary to ensure a comprehen-sive and effective implementation of sustainability principles in construction projects, and how can specific measures and technologies as well as regulatory frameworks be taken into account? This culminates in a set of easy-to-implement actions and support tools, presented according to the five service phases of project management. Finally, because of the urgency to act and the slow process of officially changing the service profile of project management. A nuanced, phased approach to implementation is proposed. It consists of the easy-to-implement actions and tools mentioned in the first step, and a more profound second step consisting of changing the underlying management methods to agile and lean management
The construction and real estate industry is responsible for approximately one third of Germany's greenhouse gas emissions. Through a systematic literature review, this thesis shows that current measures to reduce these emissions are insufficient to achieve cli-mate neutrality by 2045. An examination of the current responsibilities of construction project management reveals that sustainability plays a minor role in the scope of project management, focusing primarily on the application of subsidi...