- Document type:
- Masterarbeit
- Author(s):
- Gonzalez Balcarce, Fernando Jose
- Title:
- Integration of the sewer network standard ISYBau with the CityGML Utility Network ADE for improved representation of sewer networks
- Translated title:
- Integration des Abwassernetz-Standards ISYBau mit der CityGML Utility Network ADE zur verbesserten Darstellung von Abwassernetzen
- Keywords:
- GISPro_CityGML_UtilityNetworkADE; GISTop_Semantic_modeling_and_transformation; GISTop_CityModeling; LOCTop_Semantic_modeling; LOCTop_Urban_Information_Modeling_Virtual_3D_City_Model
- Advisor:
- Kolbe, Thomas H.; Kutzner, Tatjana
- Cooperation:
- Hofmann, Dagmar
- Year:
- 2019
- Language:
- en
- University:
- Technische Universität München
- Faculty:
- Ingenieurfakultät Bau Geo Umwelt
- TUM Institution:
- Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik
- Commencing Date:
- 01.05.2019
- End of processing:
- 31.10.2019
- BibTeX