Deconfined quantum criticality describes continuous phase transitions that are not cap-
tured by the Landau-Ginzburg paradigm. Here, we investigate deconfined quantum crit-
ical points in the long-range, anisotropic Heisenberg chain. With matrix product state
simulations, we show that the model undergoes a continuous phase transition from a
valence bond solid to an antiferromagnet. We extract the critical exponents of the transi-
tion and connect them to an effective field theory obtained from bosonization techniques.
We show that beyond stabilizing the valance bond order, the long-range interactions are
irrelevant and the transition is well described by a double frequency sine-Gordon model.
We propose how to realize and probe deconfined quantum criticality in our model with
trapped-ion quantum simulators.
Deconfined quantum criticality describes continuous phase transitions that are not cap-
tured by the Landau-Ginzburg paradigm. Here, we investigate deconfined quantum crit-
ical points in the long-range, anisotropic Heisenberg chain. With matrix product state
simulations, we show that the model undergoes a continuous phase transition from a
valence bond solid to an antiferromagnet. We extract the critical exponents of the transi-
tion and connect them to an effective field theory obtained from b...