The increasing resolution of SAR data offers the possibility to utilizethis data for a detailed scene interpretation in urban areas. DifferentSAR specific phenomena like foreshortening, layover, shadow and multipath-propagationburden the interpretation. A high resolution LIDAR DEM of an urbanscene is incorporated to investigate the impact of the phenomenaon the visibility of man-made objects by a SAR measurement from agiven sensor trajectory and orientation. LIDAR data as ground truthis well suited for this task, because it contains elevation informationof man-made and natural objects. Incoherent sampling of the DEM simulatesshadow and layover areas. By a variation of viewing and aspect anglesa large number of such simulations are carried out. From this setof segmentations the n best are determined with respect to the visibilityof roads and buildings. Furthermore, the locations of total reflectionor double-bounce scattering in the vicinity of buildings are determined.
The increasing resolution of SAR data offers the possibility to utilizethis data for a detailed scene interpretation in urban areas. DifferentSAR specific phenomena like foreshortening, layover, shadow and multipath-propagationburden the interpretation. A high resolution LIDAR DEM of an urbanscene is incorporated to investigate the impact of the phenomenaon the visibility of man-made objects by a SAR measurement from agiven sensor trajectory and orientation. LIDAR data as ground truthis well sui...