Assessment of methods for the numerical solution of the Fredholm integral eigenvalue problem
Betz, W.; Papaioannou, I.; Straub, D.
The computational efficiency of random field representations with the Karhunen-Lo`eve expansion relies on the numerical solution of a Fredholm integral eigenvalue problem. In this contribution, different methods for this task are compared. These include the finite element method (FEM), the finite cell method (FCM) and the Nystr¨om method. For the FEM with linear basis functions, two different approaches to treat the
covariance function in the integral eigenvalue problem are investigated: L2-projection and linear interpolation of
the covariance function between the nodes of the finite element mesh. The FCM is a novel approach, originally
presented in (Parvizian et al., Comput Mech, 41: 121-133, 2007) for the solution of elliptic boundary value
problems. This method is based on an extension to the FEM but avoids mesh generation on domains of complex
geometric shape. In the Nystr¨om method, a numerical integration rule is applied to transform the integral eigenvalue
problem to a matrix eigenvalue problem. It is shown that the expansion optimal linear estimation (EOLE)
method proposed in (Li & Der Kiureghian, J Eng Mech-ASCE, 119(6): 1136-1154, 1993) constitutes a special
case of the Nystr¨om method. The behavior of all methods is investigated with respect to a two-dimensional example of a plate with a hole.
620 Ingenieurwissenschaften
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Proc. 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability