Inspections are an efficient means of enhancing the reliability of redundant structural systems subjected to fatigue. To investigate the effect of such inspections, we represent the deterioration state of a Daniels system by means of a probabilistic fatigue crack growth model of all elements, which considers sto-chastic dependence among element fatigue behavior. We include inspection results in the calculation of the system collapse probability through Bayesian updating of the system deterioration state. Based on this ap-proach, we calculate the collapse probability of a deteriorating Daniels system conditional on different inspec-tion strategies in terms of inspection coverage and inspection times. The acceptability of an inspection strate-gy is verified by comparing the calculated collapse probabilities with maximum acceptable system failure probabilities. This study is a step towards identifying optimal inspection strategies for redundant structural systems subjected to fatigue.
Inspections are an efficient means of enhancing the reliability of redundant structural systems subjected to fatigue. To investigate the effect of such inspections, we represent the deterioration state of a Daniels system by means of a probabilistic fatigue crack growth model of all elements, which considers sto-chastic dependence among element fatigue behavior. We include inspection results in the calculation of the system collapse probability through Bayesian updating of the system deteriorati...