Technical assessment combined with extended cost-benefit analysis for the restoration of groundwater and forest ecosystem services - An application for Grand Bahama
Fate of herbicides in cropped lysimeters: 2. Leaching of four maize herbicides considering different processes
Fate of herbicides in cropped lysimeters: 1. Influence of different processes and model structure on vadose zone flow
Schlussbericht zum Verbundprojekt GEO-KW: Kopplung des geothermischen Speicherpotenzials mit den wechselnden Anforderungen des urbanen Energiebedarfs zur effizienten Nutzung der regenerativen Energiequelle Grundwasser für die dezentrale Kälte- und Wärmebereitstellung in der Stadt
Reduced Basis Models for a fault zone inside the Upper Jurassic Aquifer in Southern Germany
R and Matlab Scripts used in the parameter study for the article: "On the Limitations and Implications of Modeling Heat Transport in Porous Aquifers by Assuming Local Thermal Equilibrium"