Zukünftige Techniken in der architektonischen Planungspraxis.
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM)
Towards a building information system based on computer-supported surveying system - requirements, basics, concept, implementation and experience.
CAAD-Towards new design conventions
Asanowicz, A.; Jakimowicz, A.
Białystok : Technical University. Faculty of Architecture
From Digital Building Surveying to an Information System.
Proceedings of the 15th eCAADe Conference
A digital way of planning based on information surveying.
Proceedings of the CAAD futures Conference
Applikative Anforderungen an die Objektorientiertheit für die strukturierte Erfassung vorhandener Bausubstanz.
Forum Bauinformatik 1997 - Junge Wissenschaftler forschen