Myiasis is a disease caused by fly larvae feeding on the host's tissue. We report on a 49-year-old patient suffering from Alzheimer's disease with aural myiasis. Clinical examination revealed sanguineous and smeary otorrhoea on the left side with 16 alive maggots occupying the ear. They were removed from the external auditory canal and classified as larvae of the family Sarcophagida. Aural manifestation of myiasis may become dangerous if the petrous bone is affected. Entomological aspects, clinical characteristics, and treatment of this rare disease are reviewed.
Myiasis is a disease caused by fly larvae feeding on the host's tissue. We report on a 49-year-old patient suffering from Alzheimer's disease with aural myiasis. Clinical examination revealed sanguineous and smeary otorrhoea on the left side with 16 alive maggots occupying the ear. They were removed from the external auditory canal and classified as larvae of the family Sarcophagida. Aural manifestation of myiasis may become dangerous if the petrous bone is affected. Entomological aspects, clini...