Functional genomics approaches in the model plant Physcomitrella patens and the non-model trees Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica
Schlink, Katja
Fakultät Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan
LAN Landbauwissenschaft
Functional genomics of model organisms is a valuable tool but adaptation to diverse environments accounts for diversification of gene functions and the necessitiy of additonal corresponding approaches in non-models. Developing high-througput methods and a large scale mutant collecetion we were able to finally establish the emerging model Physcomitrella patens, the only plant model with high efficiency of homologous recombination. Analyses of recombination events lead to a model for the mechanism of gene targeting in P. patens. Functional analysis of stress response on transcriptome and proteome levels in the non-models Picea abies (heat stress/adaptation) and Fagus sylvatica (pathogen stress) were conducted. The higher thermotolerance of a P. abies ecotype from a warm climate correlates with higher expression of small heat shock proteins (hsp20 family) and lower oxidative stress compared to a cool climate ecotype. For the Fagus-Phytophthora interaction factors for compatibility and pathogen success were identified. The interaction is characterized by a striking lack of pathogen recognition and defense probably partly due to active suppression of host defense by the pathogene. The deductive failure of Fagus to defend against P. plurivora together with increased resource allocation from the leaf source tissue into the the infected roots during biotrophic growth of the pathogen grant the success of the pathogen in this interaction. Comparative studies demonstrated a certain overlap with wound response and revealed wounding signal transduction in both vertical directions within the plant and to neighboring unwounded plants.