OBJECTIVES: Obstruction of the pancreatic duct is a common feature of chronic pancreatitis and often requires interventional therapy. The current prospective study investigated clinical success in 19 patients after initial endoscopic retrograde pancreaticography and relapse rates during a 2-year follow-up period. METHODS: Seventeen of 19 patients with chronic pancreatitis (stage III according to the Cambridge classification) were treated by sphincterotomy and stent insertion. Endoscopic retrograde pancreaticography failed in 2 patients. RESULTS: Strictures were cannulated, dilated, and stones were removed with a dormia basket in 13 of 17 patients. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy was necessary in 5 patients. Polyethylene stents (7F-11.5F) were placed into the dilated pancreatic duct. Mean duration of internal pancreatic stenting was 5.6 months. Three of 17 patients had recurrence of pain during the first follow-up year after stent extraction; in the second follow-up year, another 2 patients had a relapse. Overall, patients' assessment of the stent therapy revealed complete satisfaction in 17 of 19 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic stent therapy is a safe, minimally invasive, and effective procedure in patients experiencing pain attacks during chronic pancreatitis associated with dilated pancreatic duct. According to our results, a relapse rate of approximately 30% can be expected within 2 years after stent extraction. These patients may be treated by repeated stent therapy.