Technische Universität München
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mediaTUM Content
University Bibliography
Electronic Examination Papers
Open Access Publikationen
Research Data
TUM.University Press
Research Centers
TUM Board of Management
Functional Units
Partnerschaftliche Einrichtungen
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan
TUM School of Management
TUM School of Medicine and Health
TUM School of Natural Sciences
Examination Papers
Former Institutions
Assistant Professorship "Theorie der weichen Materie" (Prof. Zaccone)
Assistant Professorship Zelluläre Proteinchemie (Prof. Feige)
Field of Dynamic Processes in Molecules and at Interfaces (Prof. Nest)
Field of Organic Chemistry (Prof. Schmidtchen)
Field of Structural Analytics in Catalysis (Prof. Tromp)
Institute of Chemistry of Inorganic Material (Prof. Veprek)
Junior Professorship of Experimental Physics (E15) - Astroparticle Physics (Prof. Lachenmaier)
Junior Professorship of Processes for the Catalytic Link (N.N.)
Chair of Experimental Physics (E12) - Physics of Hadrons and Nuclei (Prof. Krücken)
Chair of Experimental Physics (E10) - Functional Multilayers - Physics and Applications (Prof. Klappenberger komm.)
Lehrstuhl für Neutronenstreuung (E21) (N.N.)
Lehrstuhl für Radiochemie (komm. Prof. Petry)
Chair of Technical Physics (E19) (Prof. Stimming, komm. Prof. Schneider)
Chair of Theoretical Biophysics (T35) - Neuronal Information Processing in Space and Time (N.N.)
Chair of Theoretical Chemistry (Prof. em. Domcke)
Chair of Theoretical Physics (T30c) - Condensed Matter (N.N.)
Chair of Theoretical Physics (T39) - Applied Quantum Field Theory (N.N.)
Chair of Theoretical Physics III (T33) (Prof. Vogl)
Chair of Theoretical Physics V (T34) - Many Particle Phenomena (N.N.)
Professur für Biosystems Chemistry (N.N.)
Assistant Professorship of Computational Solid State / Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Chemistry (Prof. Grüneis)
Field of Experimental Physics (E11) - Molecular Dynamics at Interfaces (MAP-Cluster) (Prof. Kienberger)
Field of Experimental Physics (E12) - Nuclear Astro Physics (Prof. Bishop)
Field of Experimental Physics - Molecular Engines (NIM-Cluster) (Prof. Hugel)
Professur für Integrative Strukturbiologie (N.N.)
Professur für Nanoplasmonik (Prof. Na)
Associate Professorship of Theoretical Chemistry (N.N.)
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry (N.N.)
Field of Theoretical Astro Particle Physics (T30e) (Prof. Ratz)
Chair of Biophysical Chemistry (Prof. Kiefhaber)
Chair of Theoretical Physics (T30a) (N.N.)
Field of Theoretical Physics (T30g) - Functional Materials (Prof. Metzler)
Chair of Food Chemistry (N.N.)
Field of Theoretical Physics (T31) - New Physics beyond the Standard Model (Universe-Cluster) (N.N.)
Professur für Biomimetische Katalyse (N.N.)
Professor for Synthetic Biochemistry (N.N.)
Associate Professorship of Analytical Chemistry (N.N.)
Field of Physical Chemistry (N.N.)
Institute of Silicon Chemistry
Institute of Hydro Chemistry and Chemical Balneology
Bavarian NMR-Center
Celebrations at the Department
TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
TUM Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit
Service Facilities
TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Central Administration
mediaTUM Gesamtbestand
TUM School of Natural Sciences
Ehemalige Einrichtungen
Lehrstuhl für Technische Physik (E19) (N.N.)
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