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Case report: Paracorporeal lung assist device for 215 days as a bridge-to-lung transplantation in a patient with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and severe pulmonary hypertension.

Document type:
Case Reports; Journal Article
Michel, Sebastian G; Hanuna, Maja; Pattathu, Joseph; Pabst von Ohain, Jelena; Schneider, Christian; Kauke, Theresa; Kneidinger, Nikolaus; Behr, Juergen; Milger, Katrin; Barton, Juergen; Veit, Tobias; Kamla, Christine; Mueller, Christoph; Dzieciol, Robert; Christen, Lauren; Irlbeck, Michael; Tomasi, Roland; Abicht, Jan; Scheiermann, Patrick; Feuerecker, Matthias; Dalla-Pozza, Robert; Fischer, Marcus; Jakob, Andre; Hermann, Matthias; Haas, Nikolaus; Hagl, Christian; Hörer, Jürgen
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a known and life limiting complication of preterm born young adults with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), ultimately leading to progressive right ventricular (RV) failure. Prognosis remains poor, especially in patients unresponsive to modern vasoactive pharmacotherapy. Therefore, lung transplantation presents the treatment of choice to avert cardiac failure. With limited donor organ availability and long waiting times, the implantation of a paracorporeal lung assi...     »
Journal title abbreviation:
Front Transplant
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TUM Institution:
585; Klinik für Chirurgie angeborener Herzfehler und Kinderherzchirurgie (DHM) (Prof. Hörer)