Automated driving has received a high degree of public attention in recent years as it will lead to profound changes in mobility, society and urban development. Despite several product announcements from automobile manufacturers and mobility providers, many questions have not yet been answered completely. The need of lane-level HD maps was widely discussed and has been the reason for company acquisitions. HD maps are tailored towards supporting the operation of an automated vehicle. However, the development of this technology also requires road space models, but with a completely different focus and level of detail. Therefore, this article investigates the system development and testing challenges of automated driving. Based on this, requirements of road space models for developing automated driving are derived and gaps to current standards are indicated.
Automated driving has received a high degree of public attention in recent years as it will lead to profound changes in mobility, society and urban development. Despite several product announcements from automobile manufacturers and mobility providers, many questions have not yet been answered completely. The need of lane-level HD maps was widely discussed and has been the reason for company acquisitions. HD maps are tailored towards supporting the operation of an automated vehicle. However, the...