A fourth-order discretization scheme is implemented for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on staggered grid, and the discretization is specifically done for Cartesian non- uniform grids. The discretization included the fourth-order approximations of cell-centered deconvolutions of mass fluxes and pressure, convected velocities located at the interface between momentum cells, divergence-free convective velocities using the approximated cell-centered deconvolution of mass flxes, convective flux using a non-linear correction term, and the pressure correction including fourth-order discret Laplace operator. The fourth-order convergence was investigated, but it was not reached due to complications in the implementation of the pressure solver, so the right-hand-side was investigated sepa- rately.
A fourth-order discretization scheme is implemented for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on staggered grid, and the discretization is specifically done for Cartesian non- uniform grids. The discretization included the fourth-order approximations of cell-centered deconvolutions of mass fluxes and pressure, convected velocities located at the interface between momentum cells, divergence-free convective velocities using the approximated cell-centered deconvolution of mass flxes, convectiv...