We investigate how information spreads in three paradigmatic one-dimensional models with spatial disorder. The models we consider are unitarily related to a system of free fermions and, thus, are manifestly integrable. We demonstrate that out-of-time-order correlators can spread slowly beyond the single-particle localization length, despite the absence of many-body interactions. This phenomenon is shown to be due to the nonlocal relationship between elementary excitations and the physical degrees of freedom. We argue that this nonlocality becomes relevant for time-dependent correlation functions. In addition, a slow logarithmic-in-time growth of the entanglement entropy is observed following a quench from an unentangled initial state. We attribute this growth to the presence of strong zero modes, which gives rise to an exponential hierarchy of time scales upon ensemble averaging. Our work on disordered integrable systems complements the rich phenomenology of information spreading and we discuss broader implications for general systems with nonlocal correlations.
We investigate how information spreads in three paradigmatic one-dimensional models with spatial disorder. The models we consider are unitarily related to a system of free fermions and, thus, are manifestly integrable. We demonstrate that out-of-time-order correlators can spread slowly beyond the single-particle localization length, despite the absence of many-body interactions. This phenomenon is shown to be due to the nonlocal relationship between elementary excitations and the physical degree...