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Drews, M., Duschl, F., Mahmoodpour, S., Shatyrbayeva, I., Breitsameter, J., Obermeier, P., Tveritina, V., Großmann, J., Pfrang, D., Zosseder, K.
Integration of basin analysis and regional geomechanical investigations in the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Bavarian Molasse Basin) – implications for drilling, exploration and production
Der Geothermiekongress 2023, Essen

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Großmann, J.;Team, HotLime;Drews, M.
A regional `Heat in Place' model of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Germany/Austria)
Der Geothermiekongress 2021

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Großmann, J.
3D Untergrundmodellierung am LfU im Kontext neuer gesetzlicher Anforderungen
GAB-Wissenstransfer 2022