mehrdimensionale Visualisierungen oder Modelle / models; Datenbanken / data bases; Programme und Anwendungen / software and applications
Methode der Datenerhebung:
The fiber data have been computed based on modal profiles generated with a mode solver implemented in Matlab.
The dataset contains design parameters and nonlinear coefficients for sets of multimode optical fibers, from single-mode fibers to multimode fibers with thousands of modes, for the purpose of long-haul optical communication. In particular, the dataset contains core radius, refractive index difference, numerical aperture, intermodal effective areas (among which the fundamental mode effective area), Manakov nonlinear coefficient κ, and nonlinear coefficient γκ.
There are two types of fiber data:
1- those which have been considered to compute bounds on the nonlinear parameter γκ,
2- those whose design aims at minimizing linear distortion effects.
A thorough description is given in the following paper:
Carniello P., Ferreira F. M., "Scaling of the Nonlinear Coupling Coefficient in Multimode Fibers", European Conference on Optical Communications, 2023.
The provided files are a .mat Matlab database with all fiber data, and a .m Matlab script explaining how to use them and generating the paper figures.