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Rehm, Mathias; Fischer, Marco; Rubio-Gomez, Manuel; Schütte, Moritz; Sauer, Dirk Uwe; Jossen, Andreas
Rate Capability Tests, OCV Measurements, Impedance and Half-cell Measurements of Two Sodium-Ion Batteries with Layered Oxide Cathodes and a Lithium-Ion Battery with Lithium-Iron-Phosphate Cathode

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Schreiber, Markus; Abo Gamra, Kareem; Bilfinger, Philip; Teichert, Olaf; Schneider, Jakob; Kröger, Thomas; Wassiliadis, Nikolaos; Ank, Manuel; Rogge, Marcel; Schöberl, Jan; Rosner, Philipp
Update to Cycle aging data of automotive-grade lithium ion battery cells under realistic and accelerated load conditions

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Carniello, Paolo; Ferreira, Filipe M.
Dataset of Numerical and Analytical Nonlinearity Coefficients of Multimode Fibers

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Abo Gamra, Kareem; Zähringer, Maximilian; Ladner, Aaron; Allgäuer, Christian; Lienkamp, Markus
Examining Model-Based Fast-Charging and Preconditioning on a Vehicle-Level - Simulation Data

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Abo Gamra, Kareem; Bilfinger, Philip; Schreiber, Markus; Kröger, Thomas; Allgäuer, Christian; Lienkamp, Markus
Unlocking the Full Potential of Electric Vehicle Fast-Charging over Lifetime through Model-Based Agnig Adaptation - Simulation and Measurement Data

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Schreiber, Markus; Abo Gamra, Kareem; Bilfinger, Philip; Teichert, Olaf; Schneider, Jakob; Kröger, Thomas; Wassiliadis, Nikolaos; Ank, Manuel; Rogge, Marcel; Schöberl, Jan; Rosner, Philipp; Grosu, Cristina; Jossen, Andreas; Lienkamp, Markus
Cycle aging data of automotive-grade lithium ion battery cells under realistic and accelerated load conditions

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Kröger, Thomas; Maisel, Sven; Jank, Georg; Abo Gamra, Kareem; Brehler, Tobias; Lienkamp, Markus
Influence of Experimental Designs on Semi-Empirical and Deep Learning-based Modeling of Li-Ion Battery Aging

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Vega-Torres, Miguel-A. ; Braun, Alexander; Borrmann, André
ConSLAM BIM and GT Poses

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Bilfinger, Philip; Rosner, Philipp; Schreiber, Markus; Kröger, Thomas; Abo Gamra, Kareem; Ank, Manuel; Wassiliadis, Nikolaos; Dietermann, Brian; Lienkamp, Markus
Supplementary data: Battery Pack Diagnostics for Electric Vehicles: Transfer of Differential Voltage and Incremental Capacity Analysis from Cell to Vehicle Level

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Carniello, Paolo; Ferreira, Filipe M.
Nonlinearity Coefficients of Multimode Fibers