Recently, tomographic modalities have been developed to exploit the full potential of the information contained in the anisotropic dark-field signal measured in an X-ray grating interferometer. These modalities aim at the reconstruction of the three-dimensional scattering profile in every volume element within a three-dimensional object. Acquisition geometry plays a key role in the accurate reconstruction of the scattering information using these techniques. In this work, we present an efficient approach to design acquisition schemes for directional tomographic imaging modalities and demonstrate the working of these schemes for two such techniques namely, X-ray Tensor Tomography and Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography.
Recently, tomographic modalities have been developed to exploit the full potential of the information contained in the anisotropic dark-field signal measured in an X-ray grating interferometer. These modalities aim at the reconstruction of the three-dimensional scattering profile in every volume element within a three-dimensional object. Acquisition geometry plays a key role in the accurate reconstruction of the scattering information using these techniques. In this work, we present an efficient...