In most cases, a standard access via a medial parapatellar arthrotomy with a carefully performed release technique is sufficient for a good exposure of the knee joint in the revision situation. Crucial steps are targeted scar removal, sufficient soft tissue release and recreation of the shifting layers. Tuberosity osteotomy is an effective option for extended exposure at the distal joint region, facilitating a patella replacement to correct abnormalities in the patellofemoral joint. Extended exposure to the proximal joint is possible with the rectus snip and the VY plasty technique. Due to the rather poor results, a quadriceps turndown should be seen more historically and should no longer be used. In extreme cases, a femoral peel or an osteotomy of the medial epicondyle can help achieve the reconstruction of a joint. The latter techniques are reserved for selected cases and always require a linked implant.
In most cases, a standard access via a medial parapatellar arthrotomy with a carefully performed release technique is sufficient for a good exposure of the knee joint in the revision situation. Crucial steps are targeted scar removal, sufficient soft tissue release and recreation of the shifting layers. Tuberosity osteotomy is an effective option for extended exposure at the distal joint region, facilitating a patella replacement to correct abnormalities in the patellofemoral joint. Extended exp...