This data repository contains a dataset of answers for a questionnaire on mental models with 37 items. The data was aquired in 2021 and contains answers of 75 german truck drivers, which filled out the survey after watching a brief explanation of the system.
The dataset therefore represents the initial mental model of the drivers before any interaction with the system.
The corresponding mean values for each scale are calculated for each individual participant. The values range from 1 (not true at all) to 6 (fully applies) on a likert scale. Each new line represents answers from one subject
All items are categorized in 4 scales (see the excel spread sheet), which are derived from an explorative factor analysis.
Please note that the questionnaire was constructed based on the german version, which may limit the validity for studies carried out with an english speaking population.
More details about the methodology and construction of the questionnaire will soon be published.
This data repository contains a dataset of answers for a questionnaire on mental models with 37 items. The data was aquired in 2021 and contains answers of 75 german truck drivers, which filled out the survey after watching a brief explanation of the system.
The dataset therefore represents the initial mental model of the drivers before any interaction with the system.
The corresponding mean values for each scale are calculated for each individual participant. The values range from 1 (not true...