Membrane structures, as one type of the slender structures that carry tension but no compression orbending, have several advantages in engineering applications due to their load-carrying behavior, free-formgeometry, and construction cost. The design of membrane structure, where it is in the state of equilibrium,can be obtained employing the form-finding analysis with the Update Reference Strategy. Generally,the Finite Element Method is applied to solve the numerical problem by using approximated geometrydescription. Instead, Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) is introduced to work with the exact geometry descrip-tion directly through Computer-Aided Design (CAD) with Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS).Furthermore, IGA is generalized to Isogeometric Boundary Representation (B-Rep) Analysis (IBRA),considering the NURBS B-Rep model for the geometry description, where it can handle discontinuousand trimmed geometries in CAD models. However, there is a concern performing the analysis directlyon the real CAD geometries regarding the continuity between multiple patches. Therefore the conti-nuity enforcement needs to be implied. Various weak enforcement methods, the Penalty, the LagrangeMultipliers, and the Nitsche-type, are implemented and can be used for the application of the Dirichletboundary conditions as well. Implementation of the Penalty method is simple and has less computationallyeffort. On the contrary, the Nitsche-type approach is more complicated due to the non-linear termspart as well as the stabilization term to ensure its coercive. However, it has an advantage as there isno predefined parameter needed at the beginning of the analysis. For the Lagrange Multipliers method,it should be noted that the size of the system of equations increases due to additional Lagrange Multi-plies fields. In this thesis, the form-finding and non-linear implicit transient analysis for the membranestructure is extended to IBRA on multiple surfaces. The membrane elements and the continuity enforce-ment as coupling conditions are implemented within the Kratos Multiphysics framework. Finally, severalnumerical examples, including real-world application problems, are tested and validated with the references.
Membrane structures, as one type of the slender structures that carry tension but no compression orbending, have several advantages in engineering applications due to their load-carrying behavior, free-formgeometry, and construction cost. The design of membrane structure, where it is in the state of equilibrium,can be obtained employing the form-finding analysis with the Update Reference Strategy. Generally,the Finite Element Method is applied to solve the numerical problem by using approximated...