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Rapolder, Max
Transformation von CuBy Bildkoordinaten nach UTM mit Untersuchung der Fehlereinflüsse

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Dettmering D.
Satellitenaltimetrie - Highlights
FGS Workshop 2024

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Johannessen J.A., Collard F., Chapron B., Lamont C., Russo C., Backeberg B., Hart-Davis M.
Joint role of the Natal pulse and large meanders of the Agulhas Return Current for the Early retroflection of the Agulhas Current
30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium

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Andersen O.A., Nilsson B., Nerem S., Hart-Davis M. G.,
Consistent mean sea surface and sea level estimation in the era of climate change - outlook to SWOT
30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium

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Hart-Davis M., Ray R.D, Andersen O.B., Zaron E., Schwatke C., Arildsen R., Dettmering D.
Tides in the coastal region, insights gained from SWOT
30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium

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Moreau T., Amarouche L., Amaraoui S., Cadier E., Mangilli A., Prandi P., Taburet N., Tran N., Ablain M., Passaro M., Schlembach F., Oelsmann J., Dettmering D., Guccione P., Recchia L., Magalhães J., da Silva J., M. Santos-Ferreira A., Timmermans B., Gommenginger C., Donlon C., Egido A., Maraldi C., Bignalet-Cazalet F., Boy F.
Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich and Jason-3 tandem flight exploitation (S6-JTEX) study
30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium

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Smith W., Egido A., Abileah R., Altiparmaki O., Amarouche L., Aublanc J., Benveniste J., Bouffard J., Boy F., Buchhaupt C., Cipollini P., Cotton D., Cullen R., Desjonqueres J., Dinardo S., Drinkwater M., Ehlers F., Fenoglio-Marc L., Fornari M., Francis R., García-Mondéjar A., Gibert F., Gómez-Enri J., Gommenginger C., Hernández S., Kleinherenbrink M., Maraldi C., Martin Puig C., Mavrocordatos C., Mertikas S., Moreau T., Nielsen K., Passaro M., Phalippou L., Raney K., Ray C., Restano M., Roca i Aparici M., Scagliola M., Scharroo R., Schlembach F., Shepherd A., Thibaut P., Tran N., Vignudelli S., Wingham D.
Fourteen years of SAR altimetry: A summary overview - How FFSAR changed the way we think about altimetry
30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium

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Legeais J., Cazenave A., Leclercq L., Léger F., Birol F., Niño F., Passaro M., Calafat F., Shaw A., Oelsmann J., Restano M., Benveniste J.
20-year-long sea level changes along the world's coastlines from satellite altimetry: The new ESA CCI dataset of coastal virtual stations
30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium

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Dettmering D., Schwatke C.
TOPEX GDR-F and SWOT NADIR: Calibration of two new datasets from the beginning and end of the 30 years of altimetry time series
30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium

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Kodet, Jan;Eckl, Johann J.;Schreiber, K. Ulrich
Properties of an optical event timer for satellite laser ranging
Journal of Geodesy