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Bauer, T. & Förster, M.
Impact of Student Diversity on Learning Behavior and Learning Success in a Flipped Classroom.
Young Researcher Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (JURE EARLI)

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Brausch-Böger, M. & Förster, M.
Self-Learning Competence of Vocational Students: The Impact of Training Areas and Digital Media Use.
Young Researcher Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (JURE EARLI).

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Michel, S. & Förster, M.
Engagement in Challenge-based Learning for Interdisciplinary Project Management Efficacy Beliefs.
Young Researcher Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (JURE EARLI).

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Michel, S. & Förster, M.
Challenge-based Learning for Social Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational Schools.
Young Researcher Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (JURE EARLI).

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Gartmeier, Helena; Duran, David; Baquero Larriva, Maria Teresa; Loder, Allister
How to combat mobility injustices for older people?
Proximity Planning International Congress

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Chernikova, Olga;Stadler, Matthias;Sommerhoff, Daniel;Schons, Christian;Heitzmann, Nicole;Holzberger, Doris;Seidel, Tina;Richters, Constanze;Pickal, Amadeus J.;Wecker, Christof;Nickl, Michael;Codreanu, Elias;Ufer, Stefan;Kron, Stephanie;Corves, Caroline;Neuhaus, Birgit J.;Fischer, Martin R.;Fischer, Frank
The relation between learners’ experience in simulations and diagnostic accuracy: Generalizability across medical and teacher education
Computers in Human Behavior Reports

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Koch, Susanne (co-lecturer)
ForGEDI: Massive Open Online Course on gender equality and diversity issues in forest-related sectors

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Koch, Susanne
Grasping the scientific self of forest policy researchers: insights from a praxeological study
4th International Forest Policy Meeting

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Koch, Susanne; Tetley, Camilla
Too orthodox to be transformative? An examination of forest policy research and its role in tackling the deforestation crisis
EASST 2022 – The Politics of Technoscientific Futures

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Tetley, Camilla; Koch, Susanne
Experimenting with researcher positionality: A reflexive study of inequality in academic collaborations for sustainability.The case of forest governance
6th Nordic STS conference