Epistemische Ungleichheit unter „Entwicklungsexpert*innen“: eine empirische Analyse unter Einbeziehung philosophischer, dekolonialer und postkolonialer Perspektiven
Koch, Susanne
Nicht-TUM Koautoren:
Intercultural philosophy and critical development theories have so far rarely entered into exchange, although they share central concerns: they criticize epistemic eurocentrism and call for a diversification of science and knowledge alike. In this paper, I illustrate how the conjunction of philosophical concepts and insights from decolonial and postcolonial scholars can lead to a deeper understanding of empirical phenomena – such as unequal relations of knowers in the context of development cooperation. Drawing on empirical material generated by social science research in South Africa and Tanzania, I highlight how experts from the Global South experience epistemic injustice in aid-related advisory processes, and how this is fostered by a social imaginary of Northern epistemic superiority institutionalized in development practice. The paper ends with a critical reflection on the interdisciplinary research journey, pointing out its drawbacks but also its potential for opening up new thinking spaces and generating questions that demand further exploration.
Intercultural philosophy and critical development theories have so far rarely entered into exchange, although they share central concerns: they criticize epistemic eurocentrism and call for a diversification of science and knowledge alike. In this paper, I illustrate how the conjunction of philosophical concepts and insights from decolonial and postcolonial scholars can lead to a deeper understanding of empirical phenomena – such as unequal relations of knowers in the context of development coo...
Intellectual Contribution:
Discipline-based Research
Polylog - Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren