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Prager, M.
Aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten der Industrie zur Methanminderung bei Gasmotoren
Expertenworkshop „Methanschlupf bei Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung-Anlagen“

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Gleis, S.;Frankl, S.;Prager, M.;Wachtmeister, G.
Optical analysis of the combustion of potential future E-Fuels with a high pressure dual fuel injection system
14. Internationales AVL Powertrain Diagnostik Symposium

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Frankl, S.;Gleis, S.;Karmann, S.;Prager, M.;Wachtmeister, G.
Investigation of ammonia and hydrogen as CO2-free fuels for heavy duty engines using a high pressure dual fuel combustion process
International Journal of Engine Research

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Bartkowski, T.;Eicheldinger, S.;Prager, M.;Wachtmeister, G.
Effects of Ambient Air Humidity on Emissions and Efficiency of Large-Bore Lean-Burn Otto Gas Engines in Development and Application
ASME 2020 Power Conference
American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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Karmann, S.;Friedrich, C.;Prager, M.;Wachtmeister, G.
Realization of a Fully Optically Accessible Medium Speed Large Bore Engine Using a Fisheye Optic
ASME 2020 Power Conference
American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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Frankl, S. G.; Gelner, A. D.;Gleis, S.; Härtl, M.; Wachtmeister, G.
Numerical Study on Renewable and Sustainable Fuels for HPDF Engines
ASME 2020 Power Conference
American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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Pélerin, D.;Gaukel, K.;Härtl, M.;Jacob, E.;Wachtmeister, G.
Potentials to simplify the engine system using the alternative diesel fuels oxymethylene ether OME1 and OME3−6 on a heavy-duty engine

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Pélerin, D.;Gaukel, K.;Härtl, M.;Wachtmeister, G.
Nitrogen Oxide Reduction Potentials Using Dimethyl Ether and Oxymethylene Ether in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine
SAE Technical Paper Series
SAE International

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Gelner, A. D.; Pastoetter, C.; Beck, H. A.; Härtl, M.; Wachtmeister, G.
Fuel Dosing on a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst for After-Treatment System Heating on a Heavy-Duty Engine Powered by Polyoxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers
SAE Technical Paper Series
SAE International 2020 Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Meeting
SAE International

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Pöllmann, S.; Härtl, M.; Wachtmeister, G.
Injection Process of the Synthetic Fuel Oxymethylene Ether: Optical Analysis in a Heavy-Duty Engine
SAE Technical Paper Series
SAE International 2020 Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Meeting
SAE International