Key Figure Systems: Backbone of Intelligent Solutions in Future Logistics
Wuddi, P; Fottner, J
Nicht-TUM Koautoren:
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Supply logistics in production and trading are subject to different types of deviations and problems. In order to control these, the implementation of a knowledge management system that suggests solutions automatically is goal of a research project at Technical University of Munich (TUM). This paper shows, which steps are necessary to build such a system. An example for supply logistics in general are tugger train systems. The design of the described steps aims to allow a transfer from tugger train systems to other logistical systems. First, this paper describes the idea of a knowledge management system and the why a key figure system is needed. The explained method starts with the display of necessary data analysis as one of two major chapters. Since the deviations in tugger train systems are divergent, real live data of tugger train systems are examined for deviations and problems. Holidays and their impact on human factors in supply logistics represent a short excursus in addition to the data analysis. Using the results from the data analysis, it is possible to develop a key figure system, starting with the definition of a key figure for every type of problem. After that, the key figures and especially their correlations are subject to validation, correction and documentation. This methodical process is the second major part. A short outline of future steps ends the paper.
Supply logistics in production and trading are subject to different types of deviations and problems. In order to control these, the implementation of a knowledge management system that suggests solutions automatically is goal of a research project at Technical University of Munich (TUM). This paper shows, which steps are necessary to build such a system. An example for supply logistics in general are tugger train systems. The design of the described steps aims to allow a transfer from tugger tr...