Airborne SAR systems allow a flexible ground mapping with high geometricresolution, independent from daytime and weather conditions. Thisoffers the opportunity of using this technology for the analysisof built-up areas. However, the oblique SAR illumination limits thevisibility of certain objects in urban areas depending on the viewingdirection. Especially at building locations different SAR specificphenomena like layover, shadow, and multipath-propagation burdenthe interpretation of the SAR imagery even for experts. But, in caseof bad viewing conditions, SAR may be the only way to map specialevents (e.g. flooding, fire, earthquake). In this paper, the benefitof the utilisation of different kinds of GIS data for the SAR missionplanning and the analysis of acquired SAR data after such an eventare discussed. Simulations based on 3D models of the scene and mapscan optimise the SAR data acquisition parameters. In a similar mannerfusing the gathered data with the GIS information can support animage interpreter.
Airborne SAR systems allow a flexible ground mapping with high geometricresolution, independent from daytime and weather conditions. Thisoffers the opportunity of using this technology for the analysisof built-up areas. However, the oblique SAR illumination limits thevisibility of certain objects in urban areas depending on the viewingdirection. Especially at building locations different SAR specificphenomena like layover, shadow, and multipath-propagation burdenthe interpretation of the SAR ima...