Articular cartilage repair methods, in particular scaffold-based autologous chondrocyte implantation, are already in clinical use. In the coming years, the European guidelines on human cell-based medicinal products by the European Medical Agency (EMA) will extend today's quality control mechanisms by additional structural analyses. As articular cartilage has complex biphasic and viscoelastic mechanical properties, a high-performance material test system is required and has already been implemented. To characterize the recovery of cartilage and cartilage replacement materials, it is necessary to measure the dynamic recovery profile. A measurement system for an application like this requires an axis acceleration of more then 50 m/s(2). Furthermore, the test system needs custom-made components to fix the biological specimen while testing. A software package consisting of a graphical user interface and an axis controller leads to highly reproducible tests. The software makes use of a position and velocity controller as well as a force controller at kilohertz speed. While using the high performance force controller it is possible to apply static and dynamic loading profiles that are independent from position or speed set points and signals.
Articular cartilage repair methods, in particular scaffold-based autologous chondrocyte implantation, are already in clinical use. In the coming years, the European guidelines on human cell-based medicinal products by the European Medical Agency (EMA) will extend today's quality control mechanisms by additional structural analyses. As articular cartilage has complex biphasic and viscoelastic mechanical properties, a high-performance material test system is required and has already been implement...