Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) using C-arm systems is a widely used imaging modality for the morphological and functional assessment of human vasculature. As 2D+t DSA sequences typically suffer from noise, the application of denoising algorithms is necessary for subsequent processing, e.g., in order to compute quantitative measures such as the Bolus Arrival Time (BAT). We propose a variational denoising method that accounts for the physics of the image formation process and preserves the injected amount of contrast agent (CA). We also explain how the injected amount of CA can be estimated from the DSA sequence itself and demonstrate the potential of our approach as well as its benefits for the computation of the BAT using synthetic data and phantom experiments with various geometries.
Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) using C-arm systems is a widely used imaging modality for the morphological and functional assessment of human vasculature. As 2D+t DSA sequences typically suffer from noise, the application of denoising algorithms is necessary for subsequent processing, e.g., in order to compute quantitative measures such as the Bolus Arrival Time (BAT). We propose a variational denoising method that accounts for the physics of the image formation process and preserves the...