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Raum, S. and Potter, C.
The challenges of implementing global policy: the ecosystem approach and forestry

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Fellenor, J., Barnett, J., Potter, C., Urquhart, J., Mumford, J., Quine, C., Raum, S.
I’d like to report a suspicious looking tree’: public concern, public attention and the nature of reporting about ash dieback in the UK.
Public Understanding of Science

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Raum, S., Hand, K., Hall, C., Edwards, D., O'Brien, L., Doick, K.
Achieving impact from ecosystem assessment and valuation of urban green space: The case of i-Tree Eco in Great Britain.
Landscape and Urban Planning

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Collins, T., Cook-Monie, I., Raum, S.
What do people know? Ecosystem services, public perception, and sustainable management of urban park trees in London, UK.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

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Wantzen M. Karl; Alves, Carlo Bernardo Mascarenhas; Badiane, Sidia Diaouma; Bala, Raita; Bettler, Martin; Callisto, Marcos; Cao, Yixin; Kolb, Melanie; Kondolf, G. Mathias; Leite, Martina Fernandes; Macedo, Diego Rodrigues; Mahdi, Obaidulla; Neves, Moana; Peralta M., Elfritzson; Rotge, Vincent; Rueda-Delgado; Guillermo; Scharager, Andres; Serra-Llobet, Anna; Yengue, Jeans-Louis; Zingraff-Hamed, Aude
Urban Stream and Wetland Restoration in the Global South - A DPSIR Analysis

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Fellenor J., Barnett J., Potter C., Urquhart J., Mumford J., Quine C., Raum S.
'I'd like to report a suspicious looking tree': Public concern, public attention and the nature of reporting about ash dieback in the United Kingdom
Public Understanding of Science
Vol: 28

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Raum S., Hand K., Hall C., Edwards D., O'Brien L., Doick K., et al.
Achieving impact from ecosystem assessment and valuation of urban greenspace: the case of i-Tree Eco in Great Britain
Landscape and Urban Planning
Vol: 190

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Collins C., Cook-Monie I., Raum S.
What do people know? Ecosystem services, public perception and sustainable management of urban park trees in London, U.K.
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening

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Hübner, R.
China’s legacy in agroforestry may help to combat climate change: a meta-analysis of soil carbon sequestration rates
World Conference on Agroforestry 2019

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Tsonkova, P. Böhm, C. Hübner, R. Ehritt, J.
Assessing multiple ecosystem functions of linear woody-features in the agricultural landscape
Agroforestry: strengthening links between science, society and policy