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Wise A, Calafat F. M., Hughes C. W., Jevrejeva S., Katsman C. A., Oelsmann J., Piecuch C., Polton J., Richter K.
Using Shelf‐Edge Transport Composition and Sensitivity Experiments to Understand Processes Driving Sea Level on the Northwest European Shelf
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

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Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Müller F. L.
The Impact of Different Geophysical Corrections on Altimetry-Derived Sea Level Rise Estimates—Wet Troposphere
International Association of Geodesy Symposia
Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Dettmering D.
Working Group "NRT DORIS data"
International DORIS Service Activity Report 2022
Soudarin L. and Sellé A.
International DORIS Service and CNES

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Juhl M.-C., Passaro M., Dettmering D., Saraceno M.
Evaluation of the sub-annual sea level anomalies in the continental shelf of the Southwestern Atlantic and their relation to wind variability
Ocean Dynamics

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Sánchez L.
The International Height Reference System - IHRS - and its realisation, the IHRF
Guest Lecture, Colloquium on Geodesy, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

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Sánchez L., Angermann D., Gruber Th.
FGS-Beiträge zu IAG and GGOS
Forschungsgruppe Satellitengeodäsie Workshop 2024

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Sánchez L., Liu Q., Schmidt M., Niedermaier J., Pail R., Gruber Th.
Regionale Schwerefeldmodellierung und physikalische Höhen - Highlights -
Forschungsgruppe Satellitengeodäsie Workshop 2024

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Brown N., Dostal J., Jørgensen A., Kowal S., Rodríguez J.C., Angermann D., Lidberg M., Riddell A., Sánchez L., Sehnal M.
The UN Global Geodetic Centre of Excellence: objectives, activities and synergies with the Global Geodetic Observing System
Hispanic-Portuguese Assembly of Geodesy and Geophysics

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Sánchez L., Angermann D., Sehnal M., Rodríguez J.C., Lidberg M.
The Global Geodetic Observing System of the International Association of Geodesy
EUREF Symposium 2024

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Hart-Davis M., Andersen O.B., Ray R., Zaron E., Schwatke C., Bonaduce A., Dettmering D.
SWIFT-CORE: SWOT data Integration For Tide modelling in Complex coastal Regions.
FGS-Workshop 2024, Forschungsgruppe Satellitengeodäsie, Bad Kötzting