The TUM Hydro Shaft Power Plant Concept provides an innovative approach for hydropower usage with high economic efficiency and ecological compatibility. Comprehensive research and development has been conducted to clarify the specific intake hydraulics, sediment management and operating procedures. The deduced design guidelines and technical solutions can assure efficient and reliable service. The present contribution summarizes the corresponding work concerning intake hydraulics, sediment transfer, trash rack cleaning and fish passage. Based on profound flow velocity investigations a targeted dimensioning of intake areas for vortex prevention, flow field homogeneity and facility efficiency is enabled. The developed sediment flushing and trash rack cleaning techniques ensure stable service. Special emphasis was put on fish downstream migration issues. Live fish experiments confirmed successful and safe fish downstream passage for numberous species and sizes, also including small fish and weak smimmers. The concept is in particular suitable for low head sites, retrofitting at existing weirs and sites with high ecological requirements. First commercial plants are under construction and special conceptual solutions for lagre hydropower sites are been developed momentarily.
The TUM Hydro Shaft Power Plant Concept provides an innovative approach for hydropower usage with high economic efficiency and ecological compatibility. Comprehensive research and development has been conducted to clarify the specific intake hydraulics, sediment management and operating procedures. The deduced design guidelines and technical solutions can assure efficient and reliable service. The present contribution summarizes the corresponding work concerning intake hydraulics, sediment trans...