Building envelope renovation with prefabricated modules (BERPM) is a concept that implies multi
hierarchized requirements and sub-systems, where socioeconomic, environmental and technologic
aspects are related. Several private and public organizations are willing to implement BERPM into the
building stock. Besides, technology developers are willing to market their output into the building
renovation. How different stakeholders can achieve that goal successfully in a coordinate manner,
considering aspects such as environmental and socioeconomic perspectives? When developing a
technology, it is often necessary to contextualize the approach with the existing policies. The aim of this
paper is to stablish a framework for guiding the appraisal of novel technology achievement on different
stages. This assessment is aimed mainly for technology developers. Moreover, any member from the
field of policymaking and built environment could take advantage of using it. According to the novel
method, there are two kind of assessments. First, there is a qualitative evaluation, which is based on an
adaptation of Axiomatic Design. This is carried out on early stages. Second, there is a quantitative rating
based on an adaptation of Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS). This second evaluation is only
performed when measurable results and indicators are gathered. Such assessing methodology was
applied on the BERTIM project as a case study. The results of this case study showed the main
challenges to be improved within the research project.
Building envelope renovation with prefabricated modules (BERPM) is a concept that implies multi
hierarchized requirements and sub-systems, where socioeconomic, environmental and technologic
aspects are related. Several private and public organizations are willing to implement BERPM into the
building stock. Besides, technology developers are willing to market their output into the building
renovation. How different stakeholders can achieve that goal successfully in a coordinate manner,