Climate change including increased temperature, change in regional rainfall/runoff and sea
level rise has significant impacts on hydraulic regime, which can increase the risk of flooding
during the wet season and cause saline water to migrate upstream in estuaries and rivers,
threatening freshwater habitat. This paper presents only a portion of our research using a
numerical model system to evaluate the above-mentioned effects in the Vietnamese Mekong
Delta. In order to improve the model performance, we applied data driven techniques to predict
rainfall, which will be implemented to qualify data used as boundary conditions in the hydronumerical
model system. A predictive model based on a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
method has been developed for monthly rainfall. A computer program using the Adam
optimizer algorithm has been written in Python language. Comparing the LSTM model with
Multi Layer Perceptron and Seasonal Neural Networks proved the LSTM model provided the
best results for monthly rainfall in the study area.
Climate change including increased temperature, change in regional rainfall/runoff and sea
level rise has significant impacts on hydraulic regime, which can increase the risk of flooding
during the wet season and cause saline water to migrate upstream in estuaries and rivers,
threatening freshwater habitat. This paper presents only a portion of our research using a
numerical model system to evaluate the above-mentioned effects in the Vietnamese Mekong
Delta. In order to improve the model pe...