Pressure Dependence of the Electrical Resistivity of {{CeCu5}}.{{8Au0}}.2
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Pfleiderer, C.; Will, B.; Stockert, O.; {von L̈ohneysen}, H.
The resistivity $̊ho$(T) of the incommensurate antiferromagnet CeCu5.8Au0.2 as measured along the a direction shows an increase below the ordering temperature TN=0.25 K. TN decreases under hydrostatic pressure, reaching zero around pc$\sim$5 kbar. Beyond pc Fermi-liquid behavior $̊ho$=$̊ho$0+AT2 is recovered over a T range increasing with p. The residual resistivity $̊ho$0 is found to decrease strongly from 93 to 66 $\mu\Omega$cm between 0 and 9.8 kbar.
Magnetic instability,Quantum phase transition,Cerium compounds,Pressure effects