Probabilistic analysis of engineering systems often requires models
that account for the random spatial variability of their parameters. Information
about a target set of parameters can be obtained using mathematical models
in combination with observational data. Bayesian inference handles this task
by computing a posterior probability distribution that quantifies the combined
effects of prior knowledge and observations. However, the complexity of the
inference process is increased when the spatial variation of the parameters is
considered. Spatially variable quantities are usually modeled by random fields
that are discretized with a high number of random variables. In this paper, the
challenge is addressed by representing the random field with the Karhunen-Loève
expansion with the purpose of evaluating its effects on the outcome of the Bayesian
inference. To this end, the influence of the number of terms in the expansion and
the correlation length of the prior random field are assessed. The analytical study
is carried out on a cantilever beam with spatially variable flexibility. We show that
it requires more terms in the series expansion to identify the flexibility random
field with the same accuracy as the deflection solution. Furthermore, the decay
of the variance error when estimating the posterior flexibility is slower than in
the posterior deflection.
Probabilistic analysis of engineering systems often requires models
that account for the random spatial variability of their parameters. Information
about a target set of parameters can be obtained using mathematical models
in combination with observational data. Bayesian inference handles this task
by computing a posterior probability distribution that quantifies the combined
effects of prior knowledge and observations. However, the complexity of the
inference process is increased when th...