Curve25519 is a prime field Montgomery curve for use with
the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange protocol. In the past few years, Curve25519 has received increasing attention, due to its elegant design geared towards security, high-performance, and transparency.
In this work, we present an high-speed and side-channel protected Curve25519 variable-base scalar multiplication for ARM Cortex-M4 processors, running in constant-time and using randomized projective coordinates to hinder side-channel attacks.
Curve25519 is a prime field Montgomery curve for use with
the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange protocol. In the past few years, Curve25519 has received increasing attention, due to its elegant design geared towards security, high-performance, and transparency.
In this work, we present an high-speed and side-channel protected Curve25519 variable-base scalar multiplication for ARM Cortex-M4 processors, running in constant-time and using randomized projective coordinates to hinde...