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Klara-Aylin Wenten
Prognostizierst du noch oder simulierst du schon? Rezension zu Weyer, Johannes (2019) Die Echtzeitgesellschaft. Wie smarte Technik unser Leben steuert (Frankfurt am Main, New York: Campus)

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Barth, Thomas; Jochum, Georg and Littig, Beate
Transformation of what? Or: The socio-ecological transformation of working society.

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Jochum, Georg; Barth, T.; Brandl, T.; Cardenas Tomazic, A.; Hofmeister, S.; Littig, B.; Matuschek, I.; Stephan, U. & Warsewa G.
Nachhaltige Arbeit – Die sozial-ökologische Transformation der Arbeitsgesellschaft.

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Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
Klara-Aylin Wenten
«Just do it!» in der Arbeitswelt? Industrielle Makeathons im Spannungsfeld zwischen Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung

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Heinz, Jana
Digitale Medien in der Grundschule

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Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna
Clormann, Michael; Witjes, Nina
Is there a Place in Space for Art?

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Voss, Laura
Technologie und Collagekunst
Schafft Wissen – Gemeinsames und geteiltes Wissen in Wissenschaft und Technik. Proceedings der 2. Tagung des Nachwuchsnetzwerks “INSIST”, München 2016

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Giesemann, Tobias
Ist das die dritte industrielle Revolution? Zur Anschlussfähigkeit des Maker Movements

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Benjamin Lipp
Caring for robots: How assistive robotics may change our homes

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Clormann, Michael
Who should fix it? – The establishment of a responsibility for repair
The following thesis analyzes discoursive attribution of responsibility and accountability referring to notions of repair and sustainability within technologized societies. To this end, theoretical notions of subjectivation, individualization and privatization are deployed in combination with concepts of systems theory. This conceptual framework is then applied to qualitative data consisting of documents as well as semi-structured expert interviews. Results obtained in this research suggest that the attribution of responsibility for repair is to be considered inherently complex within its sociotechnical context. As such, multi-dimensional theory adoption and reflexive approaches are deemed necessary.